Casa Rural


Feel the nature, feel alive!

Cabo do Mundo is more than a magical place; It is a haven where to breathe, where to get carried away by happiness, where to feel alive.

The rural house was born from the dream of a couple of foreigners who fell in love with a small Galician village, Soto, in 2011. The palleiras they bought were taking life under their hands, and those of several artisans in the area, until they stripped their ruins to become the incredible rural house that is today Cabo do Mundo.

The reform respected the traditional structure of the houses, a good example of Galician popular architecture. This love for the past permeates the entire rural house, looking out over the modern terraces and balconies, stepping on the incredible chestnut floors and sleeping in the very comfortable beds of its five rooms.

The whole house is designed to make our guests feel like theirs, with enough independence to relax and enjoy one of the most spectacular views of the Miño of the entire Ribeira Sacra Lucense. There are huge terraces to enjoy the peace that gives a village where cars do not enter and a river so beautiful that it leaves you breathless.

We are waiting for you at the Cabo do Mundo!